MikanDev Blog 3.0

Hi again :P

I’ve moved my blog again. I’ve stopped using WordPress and now all my websites are hand-coded in various frameworks.

I will continue on my mission with this blog to document the various things I think are cool while I go on my programming adventure.

Hosting this blog

This was my first time using Astro for my web projects, as before that I’d been using NextJS. I was originally planning to simply use Cloudflare Pages to host this blog, but for some reason Astro’s image optimization did not work properly with Pages. So, I decided to go a different route for this site. I used GitHub Actions to build the site on push, and uploaded all the files to BunnyCDN, the CDN I use for all my static assets. And that seems to work really well, and compared to other JAMStack providers, the bandwidth is prepaid so I don’t need to worry about overages cough cough Netlify

Old Articles

The articles from my v1.0 Gatsby-based blog site have been ported here. I will add the articles from the WordPress site soon.

Still reading?

I hope you enjoy some of the articles on here as much as I do writing them. For now though, thanks for reading :)